
söndag 11 maj 2014

Börje Peratt artiklar 20 -30 april 2014

20 april åkte jag till Tucson Arizona för en veckolång konferens Toward a Science of Consciousness (TSC). Artiklar därifrån lades på min engelskspråkiga version av "Om medvetandets Uppkomst".

On the Origin of Consciousness

30 April
Toward a Science of Consciousness?

Now the week-long conference, Toward a Science of Consciousness in Tucson Arizona is over and there is a lot to digest from all seminars, meetings and discussions. The impressions after this 20th -anniversary project ( 1994-2014 ) was that the actual agenda dominates of physics and not consciousness.  

26 April
Final day of TSC Near death experience? What!
I really wanted to listen to Sam Parnia this last day and hoped to get the latest news about the eventual results of the Aware study. Because of its design I believed it has limited chanses of getting any results at all. (These doubts are widely spread)

26 April
Fifth fantastic day TSC conference april 25 -personal diary
This friday was a range of synchronicity that changed my path. I stumbled upon Magdalena who is doing a documentary and I told her that I also was filmmaker. She asked me about the background and interest in consciousness. She immediately asked me to do a short interview (supposedly half an hour). This took two and a half hours ...

25 April
Fourth day TSC conference april 24 -personal diary
The main subject of TSC seems to me to be perception and brain. And then perhaps still the Quantum field. I think though that track might has come to an end.

24 April
TSC Poster Session Wednesday april 23 personal diary
Deepak Chopra showed up at the poster session and gave me the opportunity to tell how I perceived the final discussion of today’s seminar on Subjectivity and Objectivity.
And to my satisfaction he totally agreed upon both my theory on the poster and analysis of the discussion that i mentioned on the latest blog article here.

24 April
Third day TSC conference april 23

Plenar discussion showed that there were two different levels of thinking and since they didn´t understand each other it led nowhere. To use my terminology Deepak talked about Independent Consciousness and John about elemental mind. Finally there was a question of creativity. I couldn´t find out what they ment. Att that point I guess they were to aggravated.

23 April
Second day TSC conference and official start april 22
Stuart Hameroff introduced the speakers starting with David Chalmers first giving a historical summery of what has happened the last 20 years. And also bringing up different views, pros and cons about The “Hard Problem” .
Second speaker Daniel Dennet representing not only a hard materialist but also the Four Horsemen of New Atheists opened with a statement that he had the only usefull statement. What is the “Hard Question” and postulating that this conference haven´t reached anywhere during this 20 years.

22 April
First day and meetings at TSC Tucson
The first day was actual preconferens with a number of workshops and random meetings. I present them in this gallery. We started in morning with Nondual Awareness and the Unity of Consciousness:


30 April
På väg mot en vetenskap om medvetande?
Så är då den veckolånga konferensen -Toward a Science of Consciousness- i Tucson Arizona över och det är mycket att smälta från alla seminarier, möten och diskussioner. Intrycken efter detta 20-årsjubilerande projekt (1994-2014) blev att själva agendan backat ner i neurologernas statistikstudier. 

Börje Peratt

Officiell hemsida